Blue Collar Mystics
Blue Collar Mystics is an under the hood approach to the mysteries of human consciousness. Our mission is to curate practical information, profound conversations and useful resources that will help you develop your Spiritual life with levity and humor. The capacities are within each of us, let's uncover them here together as we explore the final rabbit hole - as blue collar mystics.
Podcasting since 2019 • 233 episodes
Blue Collar Mystics
Latest Episodes
HACK the Wave of Fortune from Vadim Zeland's Reality Transurfing
Use this to hack the wave of fortune or the winner effect by finding a Win to start with and then celebrating it! Then keep going on the upward spiral...Get more info on Transurfing Skool:
Season 7
Episode 5
Why YOU SUCK at Manifesting (and how to fix it)
Get more info on Transurfing Skool: https://www.skool.com/blue-collar-mystics-5366/aboutInterested in a 1 on 1 Coaching Call? Book a One Hour 1 on 1 Session with m...
Season 7
Episode 4
The Magical Power of Intention from Vadim Zeland's Reality Transurfing
I do not wish. I do not hope. I intend. The magical power of intention is yours to harness when you learn to get out of your way and begin to make steps in the direction of your goal with the resoluteness to have and act. ...
Season 7
Episode 3
Being the Observer vs. the Participant in Creating Your Reality
Thanks so much for watching this video! In it, I talk about the difference between being a Participant vs an Observer in Reality. If you've been looking for clarification, this podcast is an excellent place to start!Get mor...
Law of Attraction vs Reality Transuring - what's the diff?
Thanks so much for watching this video! In it, I talk about the concepts of Reality Transurfing vs the Law of Attraction. If you've been curious about the models and how it works, this is an excellent place to see the difference!
Season 7
Episode 2